Peter trained as a yoga teacher with Yoga London (recognised by Yoga Alliance International ) and has since applied the principles of yoga to his training of actors and musicians, as well as professionals keen to improve their presentation skills.
The regular practice of yoga can make a significant impact on a performer’s technical and interpretative ability by:
Strengthening and deepening the breathing and so increasing resonance, power and the quality of the vocal or instrumental sound
Increasing energy and stamina and developing an awareness of the equal and opposite forces necessary to achieve better posture, balance and support
Coordinating muscle use better so that unwanted tension is released and a freer, more natural means of expression is achieved
Clearing the mind of unwanted distraction to improve focus and concentration and to reduce performance anxiety

A typical workshop will begin with a simple overview of the muscle physiology involved in breathing and creating sound. A number of yoga poses will then be worked through, which will engage and strengthen key muscle groups and stretch and awaken others.
In performance the whole body is involved physically and a yoga series aims to exercise every muscle throughout the body.